Bob Dylan Nonsense, Brendan Rogers, Sweeping the Floor, Corporate Drivel
Feast of Fools Frans Floris the elder (c.1517-1570) Photo Credit: Shakespeare Birthplace Trust [CC BY-NC-ND] Where once he was the most interesting Hamlet of his generation, he is now the most interesting Prospero. As with Goethe or Beethoven or Picasso, the late works stand as measured and resonant equal to the raw, intense virtuosity of his unsurpassable early output. (Edward Docx, The Guardian, 2021, in Private Eye, No 1549 ) Brendan Rogers -Manager Of Leicester City But then, this has always been the basic and fascinating paradox of Rodgers: an artifice that has always been underpinned by a strong sense of authenticity, an authenticity that owes so much of its potency to artifice. This tension - between bombast and insecurity, style and substance, the holistic guru who just wants you to be the best person who can be and the self-publicist with a vaunting personal ambition and a habit of leaving his clubs abruptly - is the defining note of a career that has taken him fro...