Phubbing and Twitter
Telephone Wire Basket with Computer Components Dail Behennah (b. 1953) Photo Credit: Somerset County Council [CC BY-NC-ND] Phubbing - the practice of ignoring or snubbing your partner in favour of your smartphone, of scrolling endlessly through Instagram streams of people you don't know, inhaling TikTok content designed for someone a third of your age but LOL AMIRIGHT, studying YouTube masterclasses on the correct way to fold fitted sheets, and in doing so ignoring all gentle enquiries re the quality of your day and what you should have for dinner - is according to Turkish scientists, damaging to relationships... While it's always nice to have scientists confirm things we instinctively know about our lifestyles with funded research and measured statements such as "marital conflict mainly occurs when people are ignored by those they value", we definitely did already know this about our lifestyles, didn't we? ... attempts to stop phubbing have come and gone. Reme...