Traditional virtue and contemporary culture, Mankad
Oblivion conquering Fame Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898) Photo Credit: Birmingham Museums Trust [CCO] ...What is most notable is that this instant outpouring of media praise for the Queen's traditional virtues comes amid a contemporary culture that elevates daily, even hourly, a value system of self-regard, self-promotion, changeability, acting out and anything-goes behaviour that is the polar opposite of Queen Elizabeth's. The celebration of the Queen's traditional values suggests an unexpected recognition of the extreme artificiality of our now dominant culture... "Influencer" is the defining word for our times. An influencer's success depends overwhelmingly on one thing: self-promotion accomplished by rising in the hot-air balloons of Instagram, TikTok and other social media. The goal is to marry marketing with fame. Because influencers do it, millions of others, often young women, make preoccupation with themselves the one habit that directs their lives....