Cricket, Biden, The Royals
A Country Cricket Match John Robertson Reid (1851-1926) Photo Credit: Tate [CC BY-NC-ND] ... Alas, with the rise of television, football, Pot Noodles and the internet, people's ability to concentrate on anything longer than a beer commercial declined desperately and, as a result, cricket fell into disrepair. It wasn't anything to do with Sky TV - it was everyone suddenly being too busy to make time for cricket and too dim to understand it. But we're not so busy now, are we? Since lockdown everyone has got into long-form fiction again and massive great TV serials - anything to kill a few hours and hasten the end of this misery. So what better than a sport that can blow away whole weeks?.. And if you're worried about Britain's imperial legacy in a diverse modern world, well, as a cricket fan you need worry no more! The whole point of the game was to give the former colonies something to beat us at. And, by God, they do. Nowhere have the English had to show more post...