Gravy Train, Social Media, Wellies, David Hume, Test and Trace, Moral Dilemmas
Weekly come the stories of huge sums of public money spent with seeming disregard for value, without tender or transparency, for services of dubious value or poor quality, to companies and consultants which often have close links to power. Though public attention is fixed on lockdowns and curfews, a bad smell grows - and the government would be wise to start clearing the air... A sweet manufacturer from Co Antrim swapped gob-stoppers for gowns and won contracts worth £107 million without competitive tender. Ayanda Capital, a family office specialising in currency trading and private equity signed a £252 million contract for safety equipment, later supplying 50 million masks that could not be used. While there may be good reasons for these decisions, the government's persistent secrecy on this front does not allay suspicions of incompetence at best and deals for mates at worst. Occupying the next carriage of the gravy train we have the management consultants, the global giants popul...