Positive Discrimination, Private Schools, Coronavirus and Schools, Social Media

Merit Francesco Guardi (1712-1793) Photo Credit: Walker Art Gallery [CC BY-NC] ...Last week the US Department of Justice (DoJ) found that Yale University discriminated against white and Asian applicants, for whom, said the finding, admission was between four and ten times harder than for black applicants with the same qualifications. The DoJ has demanded that Yale cease using race-based admissions for at least the next year... Yale has vowed to defy the order. ...Russell Group universities are also under pressure to further diversify their intake, and last year Oxford University announced that for the first time in 900 years it would accept "disadvantaged" students on the basis of lower grades. Post-George Floyd, American affirmative action - in Brit-speak, "positive discrimination", a contradiction in terms - grows ever more popular in Britain, not only in university admissions but also in employment. Recall this summer's promise to ensure 20 per cent of the...