Yovana Mendoza, Fashion Poppycock, Brain Differences
Vegans and Social Media Still Life with Fish, Benjamin Blake (1757-1830) Photo Credit: Royal Institute of Cornwall [CC BY-NC] Nobody was supposed to see Yovana Mendoza eating the fish. The 28-year-old influencer, also known as Rawvana has amassed more than 3 million followers across YouTube and Instagram by extolling the life-changing properties of a raw vegan diet. She has built a lucrative brand around veganism. But a couple of weeks ago Mendoza was recorded eating seafood in a video posted by another vlogger. …Mendoza posted a 33 minute video titled This Is What Is Happening, where she admitted she had stopped being a vegan for health reasons. Her periods had become irregular and she had been having digestive problems, so she had started eating animal products to see if that helped. In a perfect universe Mendoza’s digestion would have been of no interest to ...